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July 6, 2007

Fun Finds Friday!

You've got your flavored water, your plain water, and your chocked full o' vitamin water, but water for a pregnant woman? Have you tried that one? Saphia Water is just that.

Water plays an essential part in a pregnancy. The two founders, Gretchen Cook-Anderson and Angela M. Patterson MD, both mothers themselves, know that a healthy pregnancy needs a lot of nutrients and hydration to be successful. While it's not a replacement for those sometimes incredibly large and awful tasting pre-natal vitamins, Saphia Water is a great way to get that extra boost in your day, take some time for you and that incubating baby or unwind. The three wonderful flavors, BlissfulBerry, LovinglyLemon, and PacifinglyPeach are sure to quench your thirst no matter what you might be craving that day. It's even great for nursing moms! Let's face it, anything goes down easily when it tastes better. So drink up Mama and ENJOY!

Saphia Water can be purchased online, in stores such as Babies R Us and Motherhood Maternity.