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October 18, 2011

FireFly Toothbrush

Fun Find- Created by a Dad and his daughter the FireFly toothbrush who wanted kids to take control of their brushing habits it is one cool toothbrush.  The FireFly toothbrush is easy to use and lights up for sixty seconds at a time, which is the perfect time for a child to spend on each row of teeth.  Simply press the button and the timer blinks.  Want something even easier?  Your child can hit the bottom of the brush on a surface and the timer will start.  Your kid will think it is one cool toothbrush. 

That's not all. 

The FireFly toothbrush comes in cute Barbie, Spiderman and Hot Wheels designs.  There are many styles and sizes available for a variety of ages too.  From ages 4 months to 8 years on up there is a toothbrush recommendation for any child.  Each brush has soft bristles and is gentle but effective on kids gums and teeth.  I think the FireFly toothbrush selections are a great way to introduce good oral hygeine to kids.  The Sparkly FireFly toothbrushes are a wonderful alternative to passing out Halloween candy or get your kids excited about brushing away all that candy after a night of trick or treat bingeing! 

FireFly toothbrushes can be purchased online, Walmart, Walgreens, and many other stores nationwide.