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July 15, 2011

Walkers Apothecary Passion Fruit Exfoliating Cleanser

In a simple but pretty white and pink bottle Walkers Apothecary Passion Fruit Exfoliating Cleanser ($18) sits on my bathroom sink. It looks like summer to me and just the type of skincare item I would like to use during these warm months. When I'm sweating, outdoors and a bit more active than usual I find I need the lactic and glycol acids in this item to create cell turn over more than ever.

Free of sulfates this facial cleanser is light and great for use on your face and neck. Just a dime-sized amount is all you need to clean your face and neck area. After washing my face felt clean and refreshed. There was no burning or stinging, no redness. It's good for acne-prone skin and hyperpigmentation. The bottle I have was very small (travel size) and so I don't know if prolonged use would take care of any of the hyperpigmentation I have on my face. Many cleansers that boast glycol and lactic acids do help that after long term use. I liked the very subtle scent on this product and overall I have always found that Walkers Apothecary products are worth the money and a bit of an indulgence.

MPR Rating: Four Stars.

Disclaimer: MPR was not paid for this post. Products are for review and test purposes only. Opinions are MPR's only.

*Image from