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April 13, 2011

Fun Find- Florida's Natural Orange Juice

Me, I like to buy local. I like to buy products made in this country too. It's why I was happy to check out the orange juice from Florida's Natural Brand Orange Juice. They sent me some coupons and I scoured my local grocer. All I found was a lot of store brands, Simply products and the big ol' Tropicana. So I searched some more and finally found the Florida's Natural Orange Juice. You know what? It is the ONLY one made in the U.S. The Simply brand I typically buy is made in Brazil. I don't like that so much. I've requested my local grocer to now stock Florida's Natural Brand Orange Juice because for me, I want to keep it as local as possible, I want less carbon footprint meaning my juice should not be taking longer flights than me. It's not from concentrate either and that makes me happy. Meet the growers of Florida's Natural Brand Orange Juice here. Then go and taste how freshly squeezed and wonderful it really is.