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June 23, 2008

Envirosax Benefits the American Cancer Society

Have you tried and fallen in love with the Envirosax? These all-stars of reusable shopping bags are now in a limited edition design with all proceeds benefiting the American Cancer Society. The American Cancer Society has officially set up, HOPE Shop, which features wonderful ideas including the limited edition Flora Enivrosax breast cancer awareness bag.

This Eco-friendly bag is perfect for storing in your purse, car, wherever as it easily rolls up to a very small, tidy size that can fit in many small spaces. At only $10 each they are affordable and last a long time. They make great gifts for people of any age and all proceeds go towards the ACS's breast cancer research, education, advocacy, and patient and family services programs.

While you are at the HOPE Shop be sure to check out the other products that can be bought separately or as part of customized care packages. There are luxurious robes, candles and other spa-like products. Journals, jewelry and t-shirts with inspirational messages too. The HOPE Shop is a great way to give a gift and give to the fight against cancer.